terça-feira, 30 de novembro de 2010

A fala de um dos 100 caras

Amorim sobre multilateralismo:

CA: It's more useful to think about the limits of unilateralism. Because when we see the situation in Iraq, what is the country that has benefited the most from the Iraq invasion? It's probably Iran. Nowadays Iran is seen as the biggest enemy. It's a strange situation.

So unilateralism also has its limits. But with multilateralism, it's like asking, "What are the limits of democracy?" Of course democracy has its limits. Of course sometimes I would like to have things done in one month and they take one year because you have to discuss them with other ministries, with NGOs, with trade unions, with the business class, and so on. So it takes a long time. And sometimes it doesn't happen in the way I have thought precisely. But still it's much better than having an autocrat acting very quickly, even if it's an autocrat with good intentions. I would say that multilateralism is for international politics, at the stage at which we live today, more or less the equivalent of what democracy represents inside states. And people could say the same thing of multilateralism that Churchill said of democracy.

SG: The worst system except for all the others?

CA: Yes.

E o que se pode dizer disso? Que a comparação pode fazer muito sentido teórico, mas, pergunto, não seria o mesmo que dar voto aos meliantes do Complexo do Alemão sobre se a lei deveria tomar conta do pedaço?

Se queremos dar voz aos povos do mundo, não é ouvindo os ditadores que os controlam que conseguiremos. O problema é que ao Brasil, na sua vertente representação externa, não está tão claro que a representação verdadeira não está garantida pelo fato de sentar-se no trono de uma capital.

Um comentário:

Danilo Balu disse...

MTO boa sua comparação com o Complexo do Alemao!!